Friday, February 28, 2014

A religious discussion I had on facebook ....

I've been thinking about religions.

Why are there so many? I suppose there are many because we all learn differently and grow at different spiritual rates.

But do people really need religions? If so, why?

Why is it that people feel the need to have someone else tell them whom they may date and love, how they can live their lives, what they may eat or drink, and every other aspect of their lives? I mean, sure, those doing the dictating say they are the ones so 'inspired' over all other people. But do they ever prove it? Does anyone ever ask them to prove it or do they just take that person's word for it? ( I can give examples of such people).
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  • 9 people liked this
  • K: Check this out download and listen the grace factor this might answer many of your questions
    What is God's Grace?What is the Grace factor? Listen to Bible study from the ori...See More
  • K:Let me know what you think after you here it.
    February 11 at 12:46am · 1 people liked this
  • K:  Sorry that link did not work. Kevin will get the correct one.
    February 11 at 1:20am · 1 people liked this
  • S: For me religion is not the fact that I need someone to guide me. The real reason, was lost for some people and now sometimes don´t mean anything. For me is to share experiences and learn as a family. To be with people who believe as same as me. Is like when u choose what kind of music you wanna listen, you always end up sharing that with people who likes the same style. Religion is not what we see, is what we learn from God. As a people, we not always make as God plan to be but we are all in a process to get there, few ones will always try to use religion for their own purpose, as happen in everything in life. I am not a "religious" person as sometimes it sounds, I am a 100% believer, not because I listen something nice but because He is definitely real for me and my best friend always! No matter where the religion is going this days, I will never give up in what I see with my own eyes and live on this path. One time one guy ask me to prove that God exist, my answer was: God don´t need me to prove that He exist, as I don´t need to prove that u exist. Ask him yourself and if u ask this with honest heart and he don´t answer u, I will personally give up on Him. U know what happen? I still believe in Him, even more!
    February 11 at 1:49am · 4 people liked this
  • S: "Preach the gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words"
    (Francis of Assisi)
    February 11 at 1:50am · 1 people liked this
  • K: Here is the link
    What is the difference between the world's religions and what the Holy Bible tea...See More
  • M: Remember that all humans were born with a need to express our spirituality.In fact even if we don't formally worship God,we try to fill the void by dedicating ourselves to other things.Just look at the very successful business man that just does business and very little else.Its important to know exactly what's worth real endevor and what isn't
    February 12 at 3:08pm · 1 people liked this
  • M: Lots of people say:My way of religion is good enough for me.However the question should be:Is my religion good enough for God? The bible says 'to make sure of the more important things'-Phil 1:10
    February 14 at 12:27pm · 2 people liked this
  • S: I think If you have a relationship with God, you don´t even think about religion as a name, just as a "religare" with Him.This has nothing to do about the rules that "we" create to be together as a group in a temple.
  • M: To be pleasing to God yes there are rules. In fact the whole reason humankind is in the condition that its in is because Adam & Eve decided to set aside the rules! Gen chapter 3
    February 14 at 10:47pm · 2 people liked this
  • Dalton C Teczon Hi Katy, I appreciate your input on this subject. I reviewed your posted information. I appreciate the enthusiasm of the speaker, however. I noted this speaker is focused on the Pauline doctrines and not the doctrines of Jesus. He may not realize there are vast differences between what Paul taught and what Jesus taught. .....................................................
  • S: Yes, for sure are rules and so amazing but people dont realize that he made it thinking of us! Well say Dalton C Teczon, we must focus in Jesus!! I grow up in a church environment but all my questions was not answered but the preach was straight from God, he is the one who teach the rules and if u listen to Him that is very clear. Of corse is important to share and learn with other but the focus has to be with God. What about the ones who dont have church where they live? This is important to remember!!
    February 15 at 2:42am · 1 people liked this
  • Dalton C Teczon The majority of christian religions are built upon and focused on the teachings of Paul. Unless a person has taken and done a side by side comparison as to what Paul said compared to what Jesus said, most people don't realize how Paul has ultimately led millions of people astray. This sermon's specific focus starts on Ephesians 2:8-9, which says that "by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works..." This contradicts what Jesus said. Jesus taught that we had to have works - that "faith without works is dead." But I appreciate the honest efforts made by truly loving people to share what they understand.There are a lot of very wonderful people in all religions. Carla and I totally adore you and Kevin. Thank you for your kindness.
    February 15 at 2:42am · 1 people liked this
  • Dalton C Teczon Thank you Selene. I can totally understand the need to share and be reinforce by like souls. You have been a very wonderful person to get to know .
    February 15 at 2:53am · Edited · 1 people liked this
  • S: You too Dalton!! This topic was very nice! I love to have good conversations about it. Is not a easy thing to live, the world is so crazy but we will survive kkkkk
    February 15 at 2:55am · 1 people liked this
  • Dalton C Teczon Cousin Mark, when you refer to 'formally worshiping God,' what are you referring to? I find the Adam and Eve story very interesting. Have you ever examined and seen the difference between Genesis chapter 1 and 2? I found it interesting to see where the Adam and Eve story came from. When it came to religions pleasing to God, yes, many many religions I feel have so much spiritual growing to do and thorough research to do to really teach what God and Jesus said. It's the main reason I left the religion I was raised in - I researched and found many errors, hypocrisy, and a lack of true spiritual guidance. I really love being able to talk with you after all these years. I've always enjoyed our time. Love ya!
    February 15 at 3:09am ·2 people liked this
  • M: My point is this,No matter how we as individuals can choose to serve God that choice of course is our own.But Jesus didn't teach that there are many acceptable ways to worship a creator.Jesus spoke of literally one path of acceptable service to God.An example of this is the flood of Noah's day.How many outside the ark survived? Zero nice to talk to my cuz too
  • Dalton C Teczon So then serve to God correctly is to follow Jesus example and obey the two commandments; Love God and Love each other. That would encompass all religions that teach that then.......................... But what separates the numerous churches then, are the doctrines and rules each one imposes upon their members.......................Utilizing the flood of Noah I don't believe is a good example due to it being open to too much speculation on the validity of various aspects of the story.
  • Dalton C Teczon So then, these many thoughts and ideas lead me to believe that people don't really need churches other than as a place to congregate with other like minds for mutual support. To serve God, to love God and Jesus and pray, that can be done without belonging to any religion......... Beyond that, I see many religions as hurtful to humanity. A religion becomes dangerous when it puts itself and it's importance above God and people. When a religion becomes about money and demanding everything from a person to the point of absorbing their lives and the leaders demand obedience over God, that is dangerous - it becomes a cult.
  • R:  read the book of mormon it will change your life
  • M: Yes religion is very much the source of mankinds problems.Its not so much the word religion per say but people proving fase to it.I remember a story where Gahndi said he believe that if everyone one earth applied Jesus'sermon on the mount the whole world would be at peace with one another. This of course is true but the majority of people in earth
    February 16 at 9:02am · 2 people liked this
  • M: Are not willing to do that.Why,because we are inclined to be selfish and we are unavoidably imperfect.Yet we have to realize that we'll never get better in our own. Studying the scriptures is a start.
    February 16 at 9:06am · 2 people liked this
  • M:Also anything outside of the holy scriptures (the bible) I wouldn't recommend to read. Maybe bible study aids like " reasoning from the scriptures " or the like is good:)
  • M: Remember that Jesus did not agree with the religions of his day! That's one reason why true Christians today told to "examine the scriptures".Have you ever noticed that the truth about anything is very simple? Try to take note of what the bibles says as to what "religious people" say.For example Jesus told Christians to love one another.Would Christians be heeding that admonition if we were to go to war? He even told Christians to love their enemies.If funny how people heed one thing and go against an other.
    February 16 at 9:29am · 1 people liked this
  • S: I think the only hope for the world in each one try to be the best can be doing what is right the God teach us everyday, no matter what. Is easy to go with the flow but we must stand still in what we believe and our own step because each one has a diff...See More
    February 16 at 11:24am · 1 people liked this
  • Dalton C Teczon The interesting thing that people seem to forget about Jesus is that he originally was not trying to start a new religion. The only religion of the Jews of that day was Judaism.......... What Jesus was against were the Scribes and Pharisees whom he con...See More
  • Dalton C Teczon It is interesting to note too, how many religions were started up in the early 1800's in America. A time when people were desperate to start new lives in a brand new land, many leaving terrible living conditions from their old countries and the need to...See More
    February 16 at 4:04pm · 1 people liked this
  • Dalton C Teczon There are many books I would not recommend reading as their validity is unprovable and is filled with fictional tales that unfortunately many people believe is scripture to live by.
    February 16 at 4:07pm · 3
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